Nelson's Story

Shire Plc Named Presenting Sponsor of the Gala of Dreams


Contact: Cher Bork
Phone: 901-355-4613

Shire Plc Named as Presenting Sponsor of Alagille Syndrome Alliance (ALGSA) Gala of Dreams Inaugural Event

WILSONVILLE, OR, May 24, 2018 — Shire Plc has been named as presenting sponsor of the ALGSA Gala of Dreams. With the help of San Diego, CA, based researcher, Dr. Duc Dong and Sanford Burnham Prebys Discovery Institute, a cure for the rare disease, Alagille Syndrome, is one step closer. The ALGSA along with Shire Plc, Albireo Pharma and Retrophin, Inc. will recognize Dr. Dong at their first annual Gala of Dreams Presented by Albireo Pharma and Shire Plc to be held June 30, 2018 at the San Diego Marriott Del Mar from 7-10pm. The Alagille Syndrome Alliance serves as the primary resource and advocate for the rare disease, Alagille Syndrome, an autosomal dominant genetic disorder associated with the liver, heart, eyes, skeletal abnormalities, facial features and more. ALGS Warriors may have any combination or severity of these symptoms, making ALGS one of the most difficult rare diseases to diagnose and treat. The ALGSA also funds researchers dedicated to better treatments and a cure of the disease. The theme of this year’s Gala of Dreams is “The Dawn of a Dream” signifying the new advances in Alagille Syndrome research and celebrating the start of the organization’s 25th year in existence. The ALGS community will come together for the gala event and silent auction to honor the contributions of Dr. Dong and other ALGS champions and fund the continued mission of the ALGSA. “To have the continued support from Shire for this celebratory event is incredible for our organization and the ALGS community,” said ALGSA Executive Director, Cindy Luxhoj. “Shire is dedicated to partnering with patient organizations worldwide to advocate for and address the needs of patients and families with rare disease and highly specialized conditions,” says Kaaren Ruth, Shire’s Global Patient Advocacy Director. “We’re proud to support the Alagille Syndrome Alliance advocacy and educational outreach initiatives. Our collaboration has helped deliver innovative tools, resources and patient services to support the Alagille community.” The evening promises unique opportunities to interact with researchers, doctors, pharma representatives and ALGS families in a fun, casual setting. A VIP experience including a tour of Dr. Dong’s is available. Contact Cher Bork at for more information about the event. General tickets are available at


To learn more about Alagille Syndrome and the Alagille Syndrome Alliance, visit
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