ALGSA Jr. is a program dedicated to ALGS warriors and siblings under the age of 18 through events, age appropriate resources and connections. This space is specifically designed for kids to be kids! Please email us anytime to discuss ideas and current needs for kids at

Explore different aspects of the program:

  • ALGSA Jr. Book Nook
  • Teen Council
  • Resource Documents for Kids
  • ALGSA Jr. Events
  • ALGSA Jr. Merch
  • ALGSA Jr. Magazine 

ALGSA Jr. Content


Developmentally appropriate resources are available to support the understanding of ALGS for even some of the youngest patients!

What is Alagille Syndrome? Preschool

What is Alagille Syndrome? Elementary

What is Alagille Syndrome? Middle/High School

Succeeding In The Classroom With Alagille Syndrome

ALGSA Navigating IEPs and 504s Quick Reference

Joy's Transplant Journey: Living the Healthy Way, Every Day

Book Nook

Reading books about rare disease or medical procedures can help children understand their bodies and what takes place during hospital visits. The Recommended Reading List and Story Time video database are a great place to start to find your child's next favorite book!

Recommended Reading List

Home | The Benjamin Series ( Mighty Me: A Magical Journey of Courage, Love, and Strength. eBook : Navarro, Analy, Garduño, Citlali: Kindle Store

Story Time

Zara Shares Her Stripes

HOWL the OWL Series

Teen Council

There is no one better equipped to talk about the needs of teens within the ALGS community than TEENS! We want each of you to be educated and empowered to advocate for your needs while learning more about Alagille Syndrome while sharing your thoughts on what resources matter to kids, how the ALGSA can better support families, and sharing your stories while making new friends! The ALGSA is accepting new applications for teen council members, ages 13-19 years old. We can't wait to hear from you!

ALGSA Jr. Events

Events under the ALGSA Jr. program are designed to engage, educate, and create connections between ALGS warriors and siblings around the world! Check back for information on our next event!

ALGSA Jr. Merch

The ALGSA has inventory in stock of these ALGSA Jr. tees and awareness wristbands in junior and adult sizes. To order, email

ALGSA Jr. Merch

The ALGSA has inventory in stock of these ALGSA Jr. tees and awareness wristbands in junior and adult sizes. To order, email

The ALGSA's new merch store also has junior sized apparel! Click YOUTH in the menu of the store to see all items available for kids!

ALGSA Jr. Magazine

The ALGSA Jr. Magazine is now available in hard copy (US Only) or digital copy (English and Spanish). You will LOVE this amazing magazine for ALGS kids around the world. 
Fun, light-hearted, educational and age-appropriate, this magazine was made with kids in mind from the front cover to the back cover. The adults will love it, too! It is certain to bring a smile to any child's face and spark conversation about living day to day with ALGS. Kids can learn about the disorder, about other children and families around the world living with ALGS, and about advocacy and raising awareness and why it is important for the Alagille Syndrome community. 
Click the contact form HERE to subscribe, today! Please indicate your name (adult), child's name who will receive the magazine, email address, mailing address, and indicate that you would like to subscribe to receive the ALGSA Jr. Magazine. 
Questions? Please email, ALGSA Program Administrator.